Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Have You Ever Looked, At Night, At The Sky?

Those who follow my blog know this was created as a way to experiment and combine my writings and paintings. This post is slightly different. The painting is inspired by a special person, Bill Barnes. So, instead of posting an essay that I have written, I'm sharing a poem written by one of the most influential people in my life. Bill was my uncle, physician, and friend. He was a skilled surgeon who never lost the curiosity of things beyond science. Tragically, he died too young. Below is a poem found locked in a safe, with the words "For My Family". One last thing he gave us to ponder...

Have you ever looked, at night, at the sky?

Have you ever looked with your mind not your eye?

Alone with your thoughts you strain and try

To see where they end, those dots in the sky

With all of your mind you try and try

To find those that still live and those that have died

But stop, you think, how can this be?

They do look the same, to you and to me

Is there no way to see, no wisdom to steal?

To know which is false, to see that which is real

Now look again, with me, at the sky

All those dark places, no dots in the sky

And yet beyond us, in a world that is real

Something, someone a glance will steal

At that same dark space that to us seemed so real

And there at the center of that void in the sky

There is a bright light, as seen by their eye

And so to my family, as our lives go by

Think of me as that light somewhere in the sky

I will always be with you, if only you try

And look with your mind and not with your eye

For your mind it can travel through that void that is black

Then stop where it wants, turn around and look back

And there at the center of that which was black

That light once thought gone now has come back

I wonder if life, like those dots in the sky

Can be understood, by you; by I?

Does it really have a beginning and then just pass by?

Or is it like the stars that we see in night’s sky

Forever visible when love is your eye

Have you ever looked, at night, at the sky?

Have you ever looked with your mind not your eye?