Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Look for Nothing - See Everything"

It's been years since I've written morning pages. This morning was a great way to start again. When I set out on a walk with my dogs this morning I reminded myself to "look for nothing but see everything". I was struck by the beauty of a dilapidated mailbox with vines, dirt, and weeds encompassing it's existence.

During the morning pages the mailbox came out in my writing. It was a simple realization but a realization all the same. Artists really do see things in different ways. Other people would view the mailbox as imperfection and want to "fix it". All I could think of was what a beautiful piece of art I witnessed for the first time, although I passed this mailbox everyday. Organic and purposeful, it sat upon a decaying piece of wood which fed the grass, weeds and moss at the base. It stood not only to collect packages and envelopes but it also supported the twisting vines and perched birds.

We are all that mailbox in one way or another, purposeful, organic, not always pretty or new, and there's always someone who wants to fix us. Although not everyone will recognize the beauty we possess, we are a work of art.
